Post Surgical Rehabilitation

Post surgical rehabilitation

Our physiotherapists are trained at providing your rehabilitation pre and post surgery.

Our physiotherapists are able to provide a comprehensive rehabilitation program to assist people following orthopaedic surgery including joint replacement surgery, knee reconstructions, shoulder repairs, spinal surgery and others. They typically use a combination of manual therapy and exercise prescription to assist you in getting back to your previous level of function as safely and quickly as possible.

Something that may be less well known are the benefits of pre-surgical rehabilitation. There is a significant amount of research now that shows that an intensive period of pre-operative physiotherapy can lead to improved patient outcomes.

In ACL reconstructions, for example, it has been shown that pre-operative factors such as knee function and range of motion (ROM) are associated with improved outcomes and health-related related quality of life at two years post-surgery.  Our physiotherapists are able to tailor a specific rehabilitation program prior to surgery to assist you in achieving the best possible outcome and returning to play, work or sport quickly and safely.